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Dining with McZ
Dining with McZ

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Welcome to Dining with McZ, a love letter to all things food, drink, and entertaining.  Through our menus, recipes, and party tips, we hope to share a bit of our home with you. 

Maybe it's been awhile since you've thrown a dinner party and you're feeling rusty.  Maybe the thought of hosting at home makes you queasy.  Or maybe you host friends and family frequently, but are looking for new ideas to change things up.  Whichever situation may apply to you, it's time to pick up the phone and invite some friends over. We're here to help.

Jeff McDonald & Katie Zalasky McDonald in Islay, Scotland. May 2018

Jeff McDonald & Katie Zalasky McDonald in Islay, Scotland. May 2018

Who is McZ? 

Katie Zalasky McDonald (the Z) has a background in chemistry and currently works as an attorney.  She is a food enthusiast.  Katie learned (and continues to learn) to cook from her mom and other family members, cooking shows, cookbooks, and books about food.  She loves trying new flavor combinations, adapting old recipes, and searching for ways to simplify entertaining through advanced prep work and a well-stocked freezer.  

Jeff McDonald (the Mc) has worked in the hospitality industry as a bartender for over a decade. He excels at making simple cocktails with complex flavors and has extensive knowledge of spirits and wines. Jeff's professional experience naturally carries over into hosting at home, providing a comfortable and sociable atmosphere for friends and family. 


Hospitality is an expression of gratitude for the people surrounding you.  It's about making others feel welcome and important.  We view hospitality as a lifestyle, rather than a passing whim or a hat you put on for an afternoon party.  Share what you can when you're able.  Figure out what part of entertaining you like to do and ask for volunteers or hire professionals to help you with the rest.  

What to Expect from this Blog

We think that the best way to entertain frequently is to make it simple enough to be part of your regular routine.  The recipes on this site aim to work double-duty so that you get the most from your time in the kitchen.  In the words of Katie's mom (and many others, we're sure), "Cook once, eat twice."  Want to make Smoked Pulled Pork for sandwiches this week?  Stash a few extra pounds of the meat in the freezer and pull some out for BBQ pizza another night, or a casual Nacho Party with friends.  Transform your leftovers into easy entertaining or a quick weeknight meal.

The site features individual recipes, dinner menus, and party menus.  As the blog grows, we'll be including weekly menu plans, cooking tips, party guides, reviews of our favorite kitchen tools, and organizational tips to make entertaining easier.  The recipes may look long sometimes, but we try to include detailed instructions to eliminate any guessing.  If you're a seasoned cook or pitmaster, you can easily skim past these extended explanations. If you see an asterisk (*) in a recipe, check the bottom of the page for notes about this ingredient or step.  

Finally, we're lucky enough to have incredibly talented friends and family members.  We'll occasionally feature guest posts from these individuals to highlight recipes directed to specific dietary restrictions, must-visit restaurants when traveling, and hospitality tips.

Stay Up to Date

Dining with McZ updates frequently with new recipes, menus, and tips. Stay in the loop using the methods below.


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Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest for more frequent updates.

Reach Out & Say Hello

We'd love to hear from you.  If you have ideas for posts you'd like to see, questions about cooking, grilling, or entertaining, or just want to say hi, drop us a note below!

Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy your stay!